Are you a past customer who has a great photo of your experince with us at Jarvis Creek and would like to share it with us and our other customer’s? Then you can do so by our Share Photo’s page.
If you have been out with us or on your own in Jarvis Creek or renting our gear and would like to share your photos with us and our other customers then you can up load them below.
What do we do with the shared photos?
The images will be on our website for all visitors who may like to browse our galleries. The photos maybe used in but not limited to print, web or promotional material for our business. The photos will be used in promoting our business and to show the joy which our customers have experienced out in Jarvis Creek.
What type of photos are we looking for?
We are looking for photos which are appropriate for all audience and ages to see. They can be of the wildlife that you see out in the creek or of your family and friends out having fun around the creek or using or rental gear. All photos which are uploaded, will be viewed by a Jarvis Creek Water Sport’s staff first for approval before being used.
Where will my photos be on the website?
Your photos will be, once approved, loaded into the Customer Gallery section under the Photo Gallery page.
By uploading your photos to Jarvis Creek Water Sport’s website you agree to the following.
- I grant Jarvis Creek Water Sports free usage and rights of my photo(‘s) to use in relation to their business which may include but not limited to web, print and other promotional material.
- I agree that the foregoing grant includes the right to use my physical likeness in any form, including, without limitation, a photograph, picture, artistic rendering, silhouette or other reproduction by photograph, film, tape, image or otherwise.
- I shall not receive any monetary or other forms of compensation return in anyway or form for the use of my photo(‘s) by Jarvis Creek Water Sports.
We ask only the use of first name if you use names in Photo description for your privacy. example “Family out kayaking by Mark” or “Snow Egret fishing by Mark” or “Mark and friends out kayaking” or simple “Photo by Mark”
Other-wise you can use a short description to describe the photo you are uploading. example, “Egret out fishing along the shore.”
Photos are uploaded one at a time.
Thank you for sharing your memories with us and for our other customers to enjoy. Like so many of you who return and those interested in planning the next adventure out in the creek, we look forward to seeing you again, the people and friends from so many locations… Mark
Maybe if you are a member of trip TripAdvisor you would like to leave a review?
- Write a review of Jarvis Creek Water Sports
*** If you have trouble uploading a photo or would like to share a video with us, you can email it to us as a second option at , videos you can also send a link to it for YouTube so that way we can try to embed a link if an appropriate video.)